Thursday, June 11, 2009

Keep it green for Green Thursday

JUST think of all the beautiful wild creatures that roam in the forest and find food and shelter there like these White-tailed Deer I was fortunate to encounter the deer in the last two photos while walking along a trail one day,Let's all keep the forest litter free while sharing our forests with other living creatures

Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To to contribute orto see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page.


  1. The first image is a beautiful shot of the deer in its habitat. I loved this one...Thomas

  2. What beautiful shots, this made a great post for TGT. Just lovely!

  3. Beautiful how the deer stands out in all that green :-)

  4. It's funny Ann, but a very spotted little fawn was running up and down across the pond..Maybe stretching his legs...This is beautiful..Thank you for participating in Think Green Thursday..
    Michelle From Rambling Woods

  5. How beautiful! Especially the first one..looks like it would make a great painting!
