Saturday, December 05, 2009

Rainbow Curves for Photo Hunter

some of the most interesting curves nature throws us comes with the shape of a bird's bill, the curved turtle's dome, the beautiful curve on hilly slopes, but by far the most beautiful natural curves displayed in nature are those of a rainbow arched in the sky after a gentle summer rain.

Some of you might remember my daughter, Riel, who was my guest blogger while I was ill earlier this year. Riel's NEW blog can be foundHERE

For more photos on this weeks theme of 'curves just click on Photo Hunter or you many click on the icon in the side bar. My thanks to tnchick for hosting this site. Happy Photo Hunting to all! just click on Photo Hunter or you many click on the icon in the side bar. My thanks to tnchick for hosting this site. Happy Photo Hunting to all


  1. That is a perfect curved too. I love to see rainbow makes me happy though, thanks for sharing! Happy weekend!

    My PhotoHunt

  2. That is a beautiful curved rainbow with it's reflection. Thanks for sharing such beauty. Helen

  3. I love the curves, but this picture has a lot more than that.The way the curves define the change in color is amazing. The soft texture between the rainbows curves almost makes the image seem the three dimensional. Fantastic!

  4. This is a GORGEOUS picture.A double rainbow is such a special blessings.

  5. That is simply spectacular.

  6. A glorious rainbow!

  7. Lovely shot - looks like snow's coming your way...enjoy!

  8. A double rainbow should mean a double pot of gold shouldn't it? Nice shot.

  9. What a perfect rainbow shot! I love the double curve and the light on the inside of it in your photo...fantastic!

  10. I do love rainbows, too and you've got a double there!
