Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tree Sparrow for world Bird Wednesday

What an exciting day it was in Bird Alley last Saturday! We saw our first and only sparrow sighting of the winter: A Tree Sparrow! At first I noticed the rufus colouring of its head and was quite sure it wouldn't be a Chipping Sparrow.. too off season for that little Tree Sparrow cousin and look alike. I waited for it to reappear again and started taking pictures. When downloading I was hoping to see a dark center breast spot which is a characteristic distinguishing feature of the Tree Sparrow. None of my pictures revealed the central brest spot but what I did see was the bi-coloured bill of the Tree Sparrow.
Ah ha! The bi-coloured bill definitely assured me, yes, I was being visited by a tree sparrow

And my next group of photos revealed the sought after dark center breast spot! Oh happy day!!! What took you so long little sparrow? Where have you been?

On Sunday I saw two tree sparrows and on Monday there were three little beautiful sparrows in Bird Alley! Wow!.

On Sunday I saw a bit of a tree sparrow behind a branch, I found this photo quite amusing as I could see its central spot showing on the sparrow's breast. Ha, Ha Tree Sparrow, I see you!!!!
Got pictures of birds you would like to share? Why not post them on Worldbird Wednesday? find out how, please scroll down the right hand side of this page until you come to the worldbird logo, click on it and follow the directions from there

Monday, January 23, 2012

swinging goldfinch for mellow yellow monday

We have a pergola at the end of Bird Alley beside our sun room window. During the summer the top of the pergola is covered with Virgina Creeper. At this time of year there are many creeper vines hanging down from the pergola top. These vines are an invitation to all the little goldfinch which visit daily for I often see goldfinch fly towards a vine , land on it and then swing back and forth until the vine becomes motionless again with the goldfinch clutching the vine with its claws. ( I must try to get a video of this delightful behaviour.)
These little flying yellow fluff balls are a joy to watch swinging back and forth outside my window.

Got pictures with yellow? Why not post them on the mellow yellow Monday meme by connecting to this link. Or You can click on its icon found on this page in the right column by finding it by scrolling down this page. If your plan is not to post a photo, then perhaps you will just want to enjoy all of the yellow contributions posted there

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tree Sparrow

"Ha, ha, little Tree Sparrow", "I see you hiding behind that branch." The dark spot in the middle of your belly gave you away".

Saturday, January 21, 2012

birds in snowy bird Alley

It snowed in Bird Alley yesterday, not a common occurrence this winter, but it did entice some bird activity to Bird Alley. First some Chickadees came by and then some beautiful Goldfinch showed up also.
I used my tripod to capture a still photo of this busy flitting bird.
The appearance of strong yellow hues on this bird's throat are an optimistic suggestion to me of spring approaching. Please let it be so. I am very eager for a seasonal change!
And the snow fell softly around.
Have a wonderful day everyone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

old railroad bridge for outdoors Wednesday

a faviourite view of mine no matter what the season, an old railroad bridge. the view will be somewhat changed todat as we have had overnight snowand it is raining now. The river ice isn't all rhar solid and will easily break or crack.

I love the frame of yellow grasses,
So this is my outdoors view, If you would like to see more or share yours, then go to the Outdoors Wednesday logo on the right side of this page, click on it and follow the instructions of 'southern dreamer and link in from there.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Leaf frozen to my driveway

BRRRRRRR!, Its cold out there!!!!!!!!! Just ask this stationary leaf. It doesn't fly around any more because its frozen to our driveway surface. I love the textures and light in this photo!

last quarter or fourth quarter of the January full moon

the last quarter of the January 2012 wolf or winter moon, taken this morning from my living room window. When I first saw it it had a mellow yellowish tinge to it. See the post below to view the mellow yellow colouring of it..

last quarter moon for mellow yellow monday

Hmmmm. It does look like a piece of cheese this fourth quarter moon in this photo taken out of my window at about 6 a.n. this morning. I find the light yellow tint applicable to the theme of cheese.
Got pictures with yellow? Why not post them on the mellow yellow Monday meme by connecting to this link. Or You can click on its icon found on this page in the right column by finding it by scrolling down this page. If your plan is not to post a photo, then perhaps you will just want to enjoy all of the yellow contributions posted there

Got pictures with yellow? Why not post them on the mellow yellow Monday meme by connecting to this link. Or You can click on its icon found on this page in the right column by finding it by scrolling down this page. If your plan is not to post a photo, then perhaps you will just want to enjoy all of the yellow contributions posted there

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Wolf Moon for Skywatch Friday

Wow! This full moon known as the Wolf Moon having derived its name when hungry wolves would howl at the moon on cold January nights. The winter Moon is also an appropriate naming for this full moon.
If you examine this photo carefully near the uppermost curve to the right you can see craters on the moon. I love it!

Skywatch Friday is a long standing meme where sky views from all over the world are posted at: not participate as well.

My best of 2011 for Thursday Challenge

My favourite and most unique and best photo capture of 2011, an almost all white Bohemian Waxwing. What a burst of exhilaration I experience when seeing this beauty appear in my camera lens.

Thursday Challenge is a meme which offers a different theme each week. This week's theme is 'the best of 2011'. To join in on the fun you can find this meme at:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hairy Woodpecker in Bird Alley

i like the textured looking surroundings of this male woodpecker in Bird alley. It is a frequent visitor, almost daily. the big attraction for it is our peanut feeder.

Monday, January 09, 2012

a beautiful old ink label for mellow yellow monday

All artistic creations related to nature appeal to me and this old label on an antique carter's (midnight blue black) ink bottle fits the appeal ctiteria. First the full moon makes it current and the geese (Canadas?) flying across the'yellow' moon are lovely. The background wallpaper in our downstairs hall highlights the nature theme somewhat. (I have butterfly wallpaper in my dining room). We bring a nature themed decor into our home.
Got pictures with yellow? Why not post them on the mellow yellow Monday meme by connecting to this link. Or You can click on its icon found on this page in the right column by finding it by scrolling down this page. If your plan is not to post a photo, then perhaps you will just want to enjoy all of the yellow contributions posted there

Sunday, January 08, 2012

My winter: January 2012

I think this steam is saying, "I think I can, I think I can!" as it struggles to close the gap over this open flowing water in this woodland stream.
Good winter driving over and through thus covered bridge, just a few white sprinkles highlight the roadsides when this photo was taken.
There must have been a bumper crop of hay this summer past or there was no room left in the barn as I see a lot of rolls of hay still left out in the fields this winter.