Saturday, November 27, 2021

  1.  Birdwatching! Up until recently, David and I were the main birdwatchers living in our house! However that is until we adopted our cat that we named Meadow. Meadow is a pretty tortoiseshell cat and the colour combination on her back reminded us of a colorful autumn meadow.! Meadow loves to sit and watch the birds in Bird Alley from our living room window! Most exciting of all to her is when a bird lands on the window feeder attached to the window! Meadow's reaction along with major tail wagging is to claw at the glass, hoping she can touch the bird! She is fascinated! We have seen Chickadees' land at the feeder but also Meadow and I have seen, Goldfinches and a Nuthatch. However the birds do not linger and it is difficult to get pictures of all of the visiting species.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

female Snow Bunting for Saturday Critters


his winter I have spent many hours looking for Snow Buntings and this week I found two or three feeding along a roadside. When they saw me approach in my car they flew up onto the power lines alongside the road!
I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Tree Sparrow for Saturday Critters!


Finally, a favorite little winter sparrow, A Tree Sparrow, arrived in Bird Alley this afternoon. there were several of them and now that they have found us, I am hoping that they will be daily visitors in Bird Alley! Tree sparrows have very distinctive markings which are easily seen the the pictures included here! The central breast spot , and the lower portion of the Tree Sparrows bi -coloured bill is yellow!

I am posting this morning to eileen's Saturday Critters weekly meme which can be found at:

Have a safe , healthy weekend everyone!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

A Chickadee for Saturday Critters

 We have many Chickadees visiting Bird Alley daily! and I seldom focus upon them for a photo, but today is their day! I am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Bird Alley Winter Activity

 Watching the birds is a wonderful daily fascination for us. As the seasons change, so often does the bird species that visit and feed here. It is only during the winter months when we get to view Cardinals daily.

Chickadees are all season visitors. the Bluejays

seem to disappear during the summer months but they are here in full force daily during these cold winter days. Also we most often have Nuthatches daily, both the White-breasted and the Red-bellied

and the Red bellied. Woodpeckers seem to be quite scarce this winter, but we used to often have the Hairy Woodpecker

and its little look alike cousin, the Downy

almost daily during winters. We have not seen any Juncos this winter, which is surprising as often with a fresh sprinkling of snow we could predict the arrival of little Juncos.

This winter we have experienced visits from Common Redpolls

which seemed to be missing from Bird Alley during the past two winters. And I have a tendency to forget to mention American Goldfinch

which are not here daily but frequently. We have not seen any little`` finch cousins, the Pine Siskins yet this winter. And also missing is my favourite little northern sparrow, the Tree Sparrows. Last winter I saw a Tree Sparrow only once in Bird Alley and that was at the end of the winter or early spring. Starlings

are seen occasionally but not often. Crows

of course are daily visitors feeding on food scraps thrown in the driveway for them to feed on.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Female Cardinals

 We seldom see a female Cardinal in Bird Alley, however this last week a female cardinal visited on three days in a row. What a wonderful, beautiful sighting she was!


Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Cardinal and Bluejay for Saturday Critters

 These two birds are not feeder buddies and seldom perch this close together.  In Bird Alley they both are attracted to our Cardinal food which is full of blackoiled sunflower seeds.  The Cardinal is a loner and does not share the same feeding feeder with the many invading Bluejays however, on this one day my husband had placed food scraps in our driveway for the crows, and both the Cardinal and Bluejay were very interested as they watched together from our Tamarack tree. I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Have a wonderful safe and healthy weekend everyone!

Saturday, January 02, 2021

Common Redpolls for Saturday Critters

 Earlier this week we had Common Redpolls at our feeders.  this was a lovely surprise as we haven't seen Redpolls in Bird Alley that we can recall within the last two years! The first Redpolls were male with their lovely red breasts and red caps!

Then on another day we had females visiting. I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at