Friday, April 03, 2009

a belated welcome to spring

So far until yesterday my experience of spring has been looking out the hospital window. however today I am home on a weekend pass and when I saw three Robins out the car window yesterday I felt like shedding tears at their wonderful sight. the poem included below I had written several years ago and had planned on posting it at the beginning of spring this season however on March19th I was undergoing surgery to have a blockage removed from my carotid artery, which had been responsible for the stroke I had had. I would like to express

my appreciation and thanks to all who have expresed their well wishes and prayers for my recovery. and to my daughter Riel for her fine job of continuing with this blog in my absence

Welcome Spring

spring whispered and I listened as trees swung bare branches in welcome
pussy willows basked in warm sunlight
lulled by blended sounds of mating melodies singing ageless songs of hopeful renewal
spring sighed and I watched as
melting snow created lawn ponds

awakened roots in the moist earth
quenched their frozen winter thirst and yearned to stretch their green shoots upward
spring shouted and I felt its power as disintegrating river ice abandoned its frozen grasp
pelting rains and
furious winds spurned slothful winter
rivers swelled their banks with prideful freedom
egg laden fish dreamed of journeying home

spring returned today and
I smiled and was content
secure in my knowledge of its enduring loyalty


me ann my camera said...

Beautiful poem. Welcome back. Riel

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

So sorry to hear of your health problems,but I'm glad to hear that at least for the weekend you are able to enjoy the outside world.Praying that you will soon be back to better health.

Gail said...

Wonderful words! Welcome home and may your recovery time be short.

bobbie said...

A beautiful poem. Thank you, Ann. I am so very glad to hear from you again, and that you are on your way back! Riel is doing a wonderful job, but we miss you.

Ruth said...

I have been checking frequently to see if there was any news on your health. So sorry to hear about your stroke;- I wish I could be there to help you with your therapy, but I am sure you have many skilled people working with you. The first weekend pass is a milestone. Wishing you a full recovery. The poem is beautiful. It is far too easy to take everyday things for granted and miss the beauty around us.

Becky said...

Oh my Ann. I didn't realize why you were gone and was afraid to inquire. I'm so sorry you had to go through that surgery, but I'm also glad you are back home and on the road to good health. I am a former sonographer, and have done 100's of Carotid sonograms in my career. A blockage certainly can be a big problem, but thank goodness there are some fine surgeons out there to help. God Bless, and please thank Riel for carrying on. She did a splendid job.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful ode to Spring. Very Heart Felt. I hope you are feeling better soon. Best Wishes, Bernie

Anonymous said...

I too have been checking in not knowing what your particular health issue was..I remember you saying you hadn't been feeling well this winter. I am so sorry to hear of your stroke. I hope that your recovery is going well. Your daughter has done a wonderful job keeping your beautiful blog going. Please take care Ann....Michelle

Mary said...

I am soooooo glad to see you back! Riel has done a beautiful job, but I kept looking every day hoping you were finally home again. I've been worried that you had a set-back....I guess a surgery qualifies as a set-back :-) Spring will be much more precious to you than to any of us, having awaited it so long. The poem is lovely! I hope soon it will be a permanant return rather then just a 3-day pass!

Helen said...

I am glad to see that you are able to at least be home for the weekend. Sending prayers for you to have a quick recovery and can be home for good. Reil did a great job of keeping your blog going. Blessings, Helen

Deborah Godin said...

It must feel wonderful to be able to be home, even if at this time it's just for the weekend; hopefully you'll be back to stay very soon. Best wishes to you and your family, and thanks for sharing the lovely spring poem!

Anonymous said...

Welcome always your poem is so beautiful...
I can see your words as pictures in my mind.

An admiring fan from the West

Appalachian Lady said...

A beautiful poem, thanks for sharing. I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can post more. I really enjoy your blog.

Sharon said...

Anxiously awaiting your full return and wishing you a speedy recovery. There's no place like home, is there.

Tina said...

Your daughter did a wonderful job of keeping your blog full of interesting and diverse posts..we all, I think, were wondering how you were doing..praying that you were mending and would soon return to post more of your splendid pictures and sayings. Love your poem.. soooo glad that you are moving forward. It is wonderful to know you have such a great support system around you.

Get well soon..Spring calls and all those spring birdees are waiting for you to join them...outside in that wonderful sunshine!!


DeVona said...

Welcome back to your blogging world! Riel did a wonderful job filling in for you and we are grateful, but oh- how I missed your words and insightful, wonderful photos and keen observations. We are heartened to hear of your recovery; i'm as glad to see your words again as I am to see the first blooms of Spring flowers after a long Winter!

Anonymous said...

Hi i started a blog about Spring Songs for Kids Take a look at first posts , oh! and By the way great Job.