Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cabbage Whites

One consistent sighting in our yard these past few days are fluttering white butterflies, and as well we are enjoying, almost daily  seeing the jagged edge Green Comma Anglewing. Within the past couple of weeks we have also had a Monarch butterfly feeding on our hydrangeas and just a couple of days ago a beautiful Viceroy.  Its not always easy getting a photo of the flitting whites, but I was lucky today with a couple of shots.
I am used to seeing a lot of white butterfly at this time of year, but the yellow sulfurs are missing.  I used to seea a lot of yellow at this time of year also.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Anglewing; A Green Comma Butterfly

Our wonderful, sunny warm days seem to have returned.  So, hopefully I shall see butterflies in my garden again today as I did yesterday.
My husband spied what at first he thought was a tattered and torn butterfly in our cone flower patch yesterday,
but upon examination of its dark underside wings we discovered that its wings had a most irregular shape as seen in the picture above. , and the term anglewing immediately jumped to my mind. After downloading the pictures I started researching anglewings and within this classification are Questionwings and Comma butterflies ..  hmmmm. which comma might it be? I have decided that it is perhaps a Green Comma Anglewing butterfly. And the following photos will show you why I made this id.  According to my butterfly fieldguide

a Green Comma has submarginal green spots on its dark underside and when I checked my photos for these green spots I found some. If you look closely you can see some green spots also.

A Green Comma also has submarginal yellow spots on its hind wings and yes, this butterfly has yellow spots on its hind wings also.
Now to look at some more pictures of this Green Comma just because it is such a beautiful little creature.
 It has been a good summr despite the experience of Hurricane Arthur.  We have enjoyed spending time with our grandchildren and watching our garden grow; both flower garden and tomatoes and
 grass and the many hummingbirds at our feeders.  Hopefully I shall now become more attentive to my blog in the coming days as I have been quite neglectful of it for most of the summer. And today I am hoping to be able to get more butterfly photos, A goods day  wished for everyone