Tuesday, September 13, 2016


We hadn't seen a Killdeer all year, that is
until I spied a shorebird down by the river.  after taking a few pictures of it I returned home to download and id it.  The shorebird I had seen was a Killdeer so I loaded my 400mm lens on my camera and returned to the river to get some more pictures.
And my favourite capture of these Killdeer was when two of them lifted off in flight.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Canada Geese for Saturday Critters

I was sitting in my car alongside a pond this morning when I spied a small group of Canada Geese. I lowered my car window and put my 400 mm lens on my camera and took a picture of the small group.
And then much to my surprise \I heard the muted honking of many geese.  I looked up and so many, many geese.  They had just appeared./  They hadn't flown in but just swam or floated there.  What a lovely scene they created, having appeared almost magically   it seemed.
I am linking today with viewingnaturewitheileen.blogspot.ca

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!