Thursday, March 09, 2017

First duck sighting for 2017

My heart gave a joyful heart leap of 'spring optimism' this morning when I saw this Black Duck in the river as seen from the highway bridge at Hoyt. I was surprised that my first duck sighting of this late winter period was a Black Duck as I usually see Common Goldeneye here or better still Hooded Mergansers. However this assurance this morning that ducks are on their way, tells me that I will soon also be seeing Goldeneye or Megansers too at this location.' "Oh Happy Day"!

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Red-tailed Hawk

The interesting thing about a Red-tailed Hawk sighting is that I seldom see its red tail.  However on Monday morning of this week I drove to my favourite spring duck sighting area hoping to see a returned Common Goldeneye or perhaps a pair of Hooded Mergansers.  But no ducks in sight; however I did see huge bird in flight. I didn't see any distinctive markings on it but I raised my camera and was able to pan an image of the bird in flight.
When downloading my pictures at home I was very pleased and surprised to see an outstanding  feature of the bird which  led me to making a confident id! You will see what I mean by viewing the photo below!
 I believe the photo above is showing us a Red-tailed Hawk. Do you agree with me? Perhaps I may find it again as it was in the area where I go looking for returned duck migrants every day.