Sunday, April 30, 2017

Indigo Bunting

How exciting it is to see a little blue bird feeding in our feeder area!  We experienced that excitement on Thursday evening when we saw a handsome male Indigo Bunting feeding in Bird Alley!
The next morning the bunting was back again, this time providing a beautiful view for us as it was feeding in a cage feeder hanging just outside our dining room window! 
                    I was very happy to be able to get both a frontal and side view of this handsome bird.
      Today is the fourth day in a row that the bunting is feeding here in Bird Alley, and it has chosen two favourite feeding areas.  One being the cage feeder and the other on the ground under a feeder where bird food has dropped on the ground among some rocks.
 I have checked my records and see that this is the second time we have been visited by a male Indigo Bunting.  Ten years ago in 2007 ,we had our first visit of a Bunting.  In the fall of 2008, we had a female Indigo Bunting stopping by to feed here.
I watch for this little blue bunting each morning and so far I have been rewarded for four days in a row!!  I hope a female might show up to join this little bird