Sunday, February 25, 2018

Wild Turkeys

When my husband shouts to me" Bring your camera and hurry!", I know something interesting is around and when he shouted at me today I was very eager to see what was about!
It was Wild Turkeys! and they were unusual yard bird sightings to me!  I had never seen Wild Turkeys before until this autumn past ..and various people had reported having seen five wild turkeys .around the community at various locations.  A friend had called me when they had visited her yard and I went to her property with my camera to take pictures of them.  That visit had been a life bird sighting for me. Today it was our turn to be visited by these magnificent birds.
Apparently these birds have overwintered around or about our community these past few winter months and today we saw all five turkeys visiting on our property!
I think this species is a handsome bird as  is shown below, in the picture taken on our side lawn today.