Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Canada Goose family for Saturday Critters

I spied this Canada’s family crossing a pond in group earlier this week. There were eight goslings in total. That is quite a large family! I have read that a female Canada will lay from four to nine eggs. If that is so, then this group has been quite a successful hatch so far with a survival number of eight. May all continue to go well for them.
I am posting this morning to Eileen’s Saturday Critters which can be found at: May this first summer weekend go well with you all.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Wood Turtle for Saturday Critters

Tthis is turtle season in my area. Daily I see Painted turtles and I am waiting to see the big Snapping turtles laying their eggs.  Yesterday I saw a turtle species that I seldom see, a Wood Turtle!  I think it had been in the  process of digging a location to lay its eggs as the soil was disturbed there as I came along.  the bright red on its legs and neck signified to me that it was a Wood Turtle


 I am linking today to Eileens Saturday Critters which can be found at

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Cedar Waxwings for Saturday Critters

This is an event that I wait and watch for every year: that being of finding Cedar Waxwings feeding among the apple blossoms!  The delicacy of the light
yellow of the bird's breast's mingles beautifully with the delicate pinks and whites of the blossoms.
I am linking this morning to Eileens Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a wonderful sunny weekend everyone!

Saturday, June 01, 2019

Two Painted Turtles for Saturday Critters

It has been a slightly frustrating spring awaiting sunny warmer weather which would entice the Painted turtles out of their watery environments, encouraging them to sun themselves on the river or pond banks.  Yesterday I saw this pair on the banks of the pond where I had often seen them in the [past springs.  Warmer days are upon us now and hopefully that is good news for turtle sightings.
I am posting today on eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at