Wednesday, July 31, 2019

AMAZING Monarchs: A New generation!

We have two blossoming milkweed plants growing in cracks in our cement doorstep in front of our garage door. Today we have been watching a female Monarch feeding there on the blossoms since around 10 a.m. this morning. It is still feeding there now, around 2 p.m.
I am hoping that it will lay eggs on the plant and in a few days, maybe we will see a Monarch butterfly caterpillar emerge. Last summer we found such a caterpillar on one of the leaves. I had decided last summer not
to disturb the caterpillar and thought to watch its natural development. However, much to my disappointment the caterpillar disappeared from the plant following a windy night. This year, if the occasion arises I plan on caging the caterpillar and feeding it fresh milkweed leaves daily. I have raised Monarch butterflies successfully by doing this and monitoring its progress for about three times now.

Saturday, July 13, 2019