Friday, October 13, 2006

Blue Jays - They're Back!

Its getting to be that time of year that if I want to see some birds perhaps the best place to look would be in our feeder area. I saw very few birds in other places yesterday but looking out my window I saw Blue Jays, Grackles, lots of Chickadees, a couple of Goldfinch or so and one Song Sparrow. I didn't see Mourning Doves or Hairy Woodpeckers yesterday but they are usually there too. Also a Chipmunk spent a lot of time feeding and a quick scan at this posting time; I see that already the Chipmunk has arrived back this morning and one Blue Jay has returned for the day. There will be more of them later on.

The Blue Jays do not seem to be as noisy and bold as they usually are but they will soon become so as they quickly establish themselves again as regular daily visitors.
Nature Pictures ©me and my camera

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