Monday, December 10, 2007

Snow Buntings

Above, from a photo taken in 2003 at Lake George, like an elusive whirlwind of snow, you just get a glimpse of them before they are gone again; swirling over the snow covered fields before alighting further afield once more. Searching for Snow Buntings yesterday I found only one group and these three snowbirds momen- tarily perched on a fence allowed me only this distant photo capture. Pictured below; one of my favourite Snow Bunting photos; taken at French Lake during the winter of 2003.


  1. Lovely birds - we seem to have more over here this year. A sign of a cold winter perhaps?

  2. I believe we're in for a colder, snowier winter this year, however, as Shelley wrote in his 'Ode to the West Wind'...

    "If winter come, can spring be far behind?"
