Monday, January 21, 2008

Black Squirrel

I don't think I've ever featured an out of province squirrel before, but here is the exception: a Black Squirrel. I saw this squirrel, (or perhaps there was more than one), while spending the past week in Montreal, Quebec. I noticed it appear daily in the back yard of the residence where we were visiting. While researching Black Squirrels I kept coming up with basically the same information. From what I have read; apparently the Black Squirrel is not a separate species from the Gray Squirrel but those that are black have a high level of melanin, black pigment, in their hair. The only other place where I have seen Black Squirrels was in Toronto, Ontario when we had once lived there for a year.


  1. What a beautiful and unusual squirrel!

  2. I think its pretty eye pleasing! We have only Gray and Red Squirrels here in our area of NB so I was really pleased to photograph this one while in Quebec.
