Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bohemian Waxwings

Upon crossing a bridge on my way home this afternoon, I spied a small flock of birds in a tree above the river, and so I circled back to try to get a picture of them. Their curosity about me was not as keen as mine was of them, and they left as soon as I started taking some pictures.
Their profile identified them as Waxwings but I was not sure if they were Bohemians or Cedars.
Only later, after down- loading, and doing some cropping and editing, was I able to see the rufous coloured undertail and yellow-tipped wings that are character -istic of Bohemian Waxwings. I'm hoping that they show up in my yard tomorrow as we still have some berries left on a few vines that they might find appetizing.
For a previous posting on Bohemian Waxwings:


  1. Those photos from December are just gorgeous! The colors are so incredible, they almost look fake. Nice pics!

  2. Glad you enjoyed the photos. They are very beautiful birds.
