Sunday, March 23, 2008

White-tailed Deer

Early this morning there were four White-tailed Deer in our feeder area and I stood still as a statue; taking pictures of them as they looked in at me.
editing note:
Upon driving into my driveway this afternoon I saw a White-tailed Deer walking across my back lawn just as I was opening my car door. It glanced at me and continued on its way around the corner of the house to the bird feeder area. Knowing its intent, I also formed one, and quickly hurried into my house and rushed to the widow overlooking our feeders for I knew it would be there: it looking in at me and me looking out at it. Seen through glass: this beautiful creature of the wild.


  1. Wonderful! How beautiful they are and how lucky that you had your camera ready and captured such beauty. The video is very good! Happy Easter!

  2. Very nice and serene. Your world right now is completely different outside then mine here in Alabama. It is quite refreshing to see life around the globe in real time. Thanks for posting these. It is a bit chilly in Alabama this morning- in the low 30s but it is expected to warm up into the upper 50s- which is still kind of chilly for here.

  3. How beautiful! What a way to wake up! I never tire of seeing deer. I'm glad you were awake and didn't miss this. Thanks for sharing, too.

  4. mary:
    My camera is always at my window but in this case I had to sneak up on it to avoid frightening the deer :-)

    Our world is still quite white but each day now the sun is stronger and water puddles are beginning to emerge.

    They're not too hard to miss these lingering winter days as they come to our feeders every night, and sometimes in the daytime too. Food must be very difficult for them to find in the woods now.

    I think they have such an innoncent look about them as they are looking in at me. They are nuisances tho as they nibble too often on our shrubs, but they are beautiful.

    Glad that you enjoy the photos and my blog. Thank you for your kind words.

    Thank you all for your comments.

  5. How lucky you are to have them right outside your window. I bet you never tire of seeing them!

  6. nw nature nut:
    We get annoyed when they feast on our junipers too often but still find them beautiful when they are within sight.
