Monday, April 21, 2008

Blue-winged Teal

More ducks to add to my duck photo collection: above a male Blue-winged Teal and to the left is the female of this species. These teal were seen yesterday at Jemseg.


  1. I love Blue-winged Teal, they're a rarity in the UK, but our Garganey are quite similar, and very closely related.

  2. I can't keep up with you today! Doesn't spring just make you want to keep posting new wonders as they unfold by the minute? These are really beautiful. I love the color and the pattern of the feathers. Seems like I say that a lot, but I notice patterns and colors more than anything, I guess from my love of fabric :-)

  3. Hi, I though I had linked to your blog previously, but I haven't so I will do it now, I have your other blog linked. Beautiful photos we had a green winged teal at one of our local reserves here last year, but must have move on since. Mike.

  4. Great images thanks for sharing.

  5. Beautiful pictures. I don't even see these birds here.

  6. Lovely shots. We just have ordinary teal but they're pretty ducks too.

  7. tony:
    I don't get to see this species often but I always find them at this location at this time of year when they are passing through in migration. They are beautiful and their patterning reminds me of a Garganey too.

    I have found so many new birds and arrivals lately that I can't post them all. I used to teach art to middle school kids and like you, I am fascinated with patterns, colour and design.

    I could tell from viewing the beautiful bird pictures on your blog that you enjoy this birding theme in photography. And so I thought you might enjoy this blog more than the other one as birds are often featured here. Glad that you visited.

    stacey and sandpiper:
    I think we all enjoy the beauty of this one.

    We also have Green-winged Teal but I haven't seen any yet this year. I love all ducks and find their patterns fascinating.
