Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Please Note: This item is from the archives from April 16, 2008. But I wanted to repost it now as I saw Coltsfoot all along the roadside today as I drove through town (without my camera of course). Riel

earth's first wildflower offering
herald of better days to come
Coltsfoot - cousin to Crosus and Robins
harbinger of sunny summer days
A simple trip to the store this morning turned into one of surprise and pleasure when I
discovered my first wilflower of spring. Growing amongst last fall's leaves; Coltsfoot - like minature yellow suns, lent its warmth and optimism to my anticipation of more wilflowers to come. Below, a pollen gatherer finds a yellow treasure.


  1. Beautiful flower. I think I recall that it is also an herb, I will have to look it up as this is the second post on coltsfoot I have come across this spring. Thanks for sharing..

  2. The honeybee thinks that it was about time for spring and Coltsfoot.

    I don't think I have ever seen this plant in the wild.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Really nice photos. The bee is really sharp.

    Good job.

  3. I looked this up in WikiPedia and it is a really interesting plant.

    Thanks for a really good post.

  4. Nice that you're seeing flowers now. Interesting that I probably won't see Coltsfoot here for another month. Your pictures are beautiful, as always.

  5. Anonymous11:10 AM

    They're beautiful! :)

  6. sandpiper:
    It is surprising that they aren't out in your region yet, although they're not in mine yet either, but I am visiting in the southern part of the province this week and have seen them here.

    texas travellers:
    It is quite common here once it is in bloom and there are many to be seen along the roadsides.

    stacey and april:
    Yes, I agree with you both; a beautiful flower.

  7. Very pretty color and the bee is great! Without green leaves showing the color stands out that much more against that harsh background.

  8. mary:
    This flower is different as it blooms before it leafs out and the bloom does create a strong contrast to the dark background. I was really pleased to see the bee!

  9. Shame on your for not having your camera with you :-) These are so pretty....much like dandelions, but yet, not. So cheerful and sunny! A great beginning for spring!
