Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Great Blue Heron and a Big Fish

Its long neck stretched forward first, then in a slow motion gait one foot, then another caught up with it. With a sudden twist and turn its head darted down to the water and in a split second it had a big, long fish in its beak.
I see the great blue heron
Rising among the reeds
And floating down the wind,
Like a gliding sail
With the set of the stream

- lines taken from The Blue Heron by Bliss Carman


  1. Great capture. Thanks for sharing. So rare to wittness them catching fish, let alone getting to photograph it!

  2. Great series of the heron. 4 shots in a row like this is pretty rare.

    Great job.

  3. Beautiful photos ! Those Herons are so spooky, and difficult to capture. Great job.

  4. Wonderful series!

  5. Those are really good pictures! You must have had a nice day watching. That fish is certainly large and I'm sure it made a tasty snack :-) They are so big, but yet graceful. The flight shot is lovely.

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Beautiful post! Lovely Blue Heron photos. The one in flight really shows off the pattern of the heron's wings and gracefulness.

  7. Nice catch (both of you)!

  8. Thank you all for your comments. It always great to be able to phoptograph a Great Blue Heron but the extra bonus to this sighting was seeing it catch such a big fish!

  9. Oh, fun!!! I love watching them fish! Great shots!

  10. sandpiper:
    They are fascinating to watch; a lesson to be learned in patience.
