Thursday, April 24, 2008

Osprey Nest Building

Driving along the highway yesterday, at Lower St. Marys, we saw a large bird fly across the road ahead of us carrying a big stick and we thought it was probably a crow. But as we got closer and saw it land on top of a power line we realized it was an Osprey and there was another waiting there.

What grand luck with a great view! We parked across the street from the nest building site and sat in our car taking pictures.
There was definitely team work going on.
We had luckily been in the right place at the right time to see this initial start of Osprey constructing a nest. I'm quite sure we will see a large, fully completed nest the next time we drive by this location. It will be quite a different view from the beginnings of the nest yesterday.


  1. What awsome pictures. You live in such a special area to get all these wonderful photos! I have seen an Osprey only once near our home and that was several years ago. The 2 Bald Eagles that spent the winter near us on French Creek have apparently moved on. I have been looking for a nest, but so far no luck.

  2. Great photos. Cooperation with definatley help them to build a strong foundation to raise their family on. Maybe more young couples should sit and watch a site like this together more often.. LOL Beautiful lesson from nature once again..

  3. These are really wonderful photos. You must be so pleased. I'm glad that they are rebuilding. They're such magnificent birds and observing them is always a special treat.

  4. Beautiful, they are wonderful birds and we're lucky that they're becoming more and more common in Scotland. There was a pair built their nest on top of an electricity pylon a few years ago not far from my mother-in-laws!

    You did great to get such close ups.

  5. What beautiful birds and excellent pictures! How fortunate that you happened along when you did. I've never seen an osprey and that head shot is wonderful..looks like it is smiling and happy to pose :-)

  6. becky:
    Over the past few years I have made note of the location of Osprey nests and can easily see a few when driving by their location along a highway. They are beautiful birds to see. If you saw one in your area once, perhaps there is a good chance that you'll see one again.

    Strong foundations go a long way to insure success no matter what the species or purpose. Your observation holds true in many aspects of life.

    It was a real treat to be able to see these two birds beginning nest construction.

    It is only in the last few years that I have become aware of these birds and we seem to have many. Its great too that you are seeing an increase of this species in your area.

    Another species that you haven't seen. It makes the sharing all the more interesting when someone says that. I think the Osprey might be one of my favourite birds. They fish here in the river nearby so I see them often during the summer.

  7. Wow, you got some great photos of them. We have nesting Osprey right here in the middle of Portland. The power company has erected platforms for them on some of the power poles along the river that runs through the city. It's neat to see them build their nests.

  8. nw nature nut:
    I think its so wonderful that these birds have places allowable for them to build nests on. The funny thing about this location is that there is a big pole near this power line with a platform on it but the Osprey have chosen the power line to use instead.

  9. Amazing, I have only every seen these at great disctance, and cracking photos too.

  10. mike:
    These are big, powerful birds and no matter how many times I see them I find them worthy of taking as many photos as I can. We have a lot of Osprey in our area and during the coming months I will see them often along the river. They are fish eaters and I often see them plunging into the river at high speeds;then flying off with a fish in their talons. Glad tht you enjoyed.

  11. Those are beautiful, close-up pictures of the osprey putting a new nest together. I'll look forward to seeing more of this pair in the future.

  12. ruthiej:
    There will be lots of Osprey pictures coming as the spring and summer progresses. They fish in our river here and its challenging to capture images of some of their plunges into the river and then see them emerging with a fish in their talons.

    I'll be following your blog for news on your Wild Turkey hunting!
