Sunday, May 25, 2008

Reflections Upon a Cat

through a pane of glass
reflections upon a cat
showing out within
This haiku was inspired by the word 'reflection'; which is this week's prompt at the hosting site of One Single Impression .


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Wonderful imagination!

    reflected changes

  2. This makes me think of a cat's vision and asks to me to think like one, taking the outside world in from my safe place.
    Writing in Faith: Poems

  3. sandy:
    This was a visiting, apartment dwelling, indoor city cat; experiencing the world close up for perhaps the first time; through my window.

    I enjoyed reading your spring reflections.

  4. Wow...what a really neat picture! It looks so much like one of my cats that I immediately thought of her. I love that the one eye stares very clearly. The haiku is great as always. Both really capture "cat" as well as reflection.

  5. I love seeing the world through the eyes of my cats! This is just wonderful, the photo, the haiku and of course, the cat!

  6. this reflects the cat's mysterious nature very well

  7. Very cool. I have a picture of a crow with reflections on it. Now I have to go see if I can add a haiku to him. Mind is racing... Great job. Love the picture. Your photos below are wonderful also.

  8. This is a great blog! I love, love your "rowing" Pileated woodpecker pictures. Great! They are among my favorite birds. You must have a great camera. Also the Bittern shots are super. How do they say that where you live? I have heard folks use the hard "R", others drop the R totally sounding like "Bitten". Which do you say? Cheers! Bonnie

  9. Super photo and haiku.

  10. bonnie:
    Thanks for your comments and glad you like the Pileated, the bittern and my blog. Around here we pronounce the 'r' when we say "bit-tern".

  11. This is fantastic!! You're so creative.

  12. Great Haiku.
    Loved the Bittern.

    I try to visit regularily,
    but don't always leave comments.
    Too many good blogs,
    so little time.

    Alaska Sunday is posted.
    Come visit,
    Troy and Martha

  13. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The photo and the haiku go so well together. I love the shattered vision in the photo.

  14. this leaves me with a sense of appeals to my vagabonding heart

  15. raven:
    I saw the Crow photo and words on your blog; very nice. Your photo does have a similarity to mine with the skeltal branches and leaves reflected across its body; and the words are so fitting. Lovely.

    Thank you for your comments and links to mine.

  16. texas traveler:
    Your Alaska photos are wonderful! What a wonderful adventure you have had. And you are so right; there are many, wonderful blogs out there.

  17. Thanks to all who shared their response to the ,"shattered cat", with its "one eye stare", "seeing the world through it eyes", "reflecting its mysterious nature", leaveing one "with a sense of longing". Your comments have all enriched the reflection through sharing your "wonderful imaginations".

  18. sandpiper:
    You are Mary are both super sleuths :-)

  19. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Reflection through another perspective. Love it. Beautiful.

  20. my bellavia:
    Your 'granite shadows' are such powerful images.

    Thanks for your visit.

  21. Brilliant image and a wonderful ku. "Showing out within" is simply superb.

  22. Anonymous6:04 PM

    How did you do that? Great combination.

    I like your blog, too.

  23. Anonymous7:21 PM

    magical moment reflected... i always cannot help but wondering what are they thinking...

  24. garden path:
    Very nice lilac and golden light reflections! I took the photo of the cat from outdoors while the cat was sitting inside in the window. The leaves behind me reflected on the window as I took the picture. I then used the 'emboss' feature in my photoediting software. Glad that you enjoyed.

  25. How mysterious and intriguing. And is that a little red house I see in the corner?

  26. annie:
    I searched for a hint or tint of red and there is just a little play on light, but no, no red house.

  27. Love it! Love it all!
