Monday, May 12, 2008

White-crowned Sparrow

This handsome, little sparrow, a White-crowned Sparrow, arrived at our feeder area on the weekend. There is one presently feeding there this morning also. Perhaps its the same one. These very distinctive looking sparrows, with their grey breasts and white striped crowns, won't stay long and after a few days of feeding they will be on their way again.
A Bit of Trivia:
Most of us are familiar with 'word associations' and know how one word might cause you to think of another. Images can do the same thing, and when standing watching the White-crowned from our window, as it turned its head, my husband remarked, " The markings on the back of its head looks like a lighthouse!" I knew exactly what he meant for I thought of the cross on the East Quoddy Lighthouse on Campobello Island when he said that. See what he meant?


  1. One of my favorite pretty and easy to spot. I like your trivia bit....I would not have thought of somehthing like that....but then I don't see lighthouses where I live :-)

  2. mary:
    It seemed like a good enough reason to include a picture of this beautiful old light :-)

  3. I saw my first White-Crowned Sparrow last week. We mostly get the White-Throated here. I like the word association! The lighthouse is really pretty. I bet artists paint it often. I'm catching up a bit today, so I'll say here that the herons in the previous post are wonderful!

  4. I'm leaving you a "Blogging with a Purpose" award on my blog....something you very much deserve. I don't know how to actually deliver it, but hope you will stop by and copy it. Great blog always!

  5. What a great looking Sparrow, much nicer to look at than our House Sparrow.

  6. I will never look at a White-crowned sparrow the same again.

    Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


  7. sandpiper:
    It is a beautiful old light, and yes, it is a very painted subject I am sure.

    Thank you for the award; you are so kind and generous.

    The House Sparrow is a good looking bird, but I agree; it doesn't have the distinction of the White-crowned.

    New perspectives often give one a different way of looking at things :-)
