Saturday, June 21, 2008

Spherical Shell: Creative Photography #2

The creative outcome of this photo wasn't really planned but I did like the result. The reflection in the water created a visual extension of the shell and the curve of the dome continued on, seeming to extend and reach down and around and under the surface, giving it an appearance of a sphere. This is a Painted Turtle within the shell.
To view other creative photo entries, please visit Creative Photography . Thanks to Roger for hosting this contest.


  1. Oh, I like that Ann! Very nicely done. I can identify with a turtle that lives in a dome :-) The colors in it are really nice, too.

  2. Excellant capture.I love the colors, and that reflection is unique.

  3. Gorgeous! What a beauty and what a happy thing that wasn't planned!

  4. Such creative photography for Creative Photography! A wonderful entry!

  5. Thank you for your Creative Photography entry Ann thats awesome.

  6. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I agree that the reflection of the shell on it's water is pretty! :)

  7. Wonderful photo! I like the way the reflection changed the whoke shot. Very nice entry!

  8. I love it! It's very artsy!

  9. It really is amazing how nature can offer an unusual work of art, if only we are there at the right place and the right time! And we notice, of course!

    Great capture!

  10. greyscale:
    The thing is to notice isn't it. Earlier years, I did not always have the time or inclination to focus on such beauty and wonder that is so much a daily part of our world.

  11. your ruby tuesday was amazing and this guy - well he is gorgeous. I love the greenish mist effect.

    isn't it fun when nature cooperates with our camera.

  12. Beautiful shot! Almost looks like he's sitting inside a helmet.

  13. Beautiful shot and very creative!
    Goodluck to you!
    Scrapbooking and Photography
