Tuesday, June 17, 2008

V is for Various and Variety: ABC Wednesday

While looking through my photo archives in search of 'V' I was surprised to realize I had forgotten about the various V's I have in my Butterfly and Moth collection showing a variety of colourful patterns and designs.
My first two V's have part of their name in common, that being Variegated. The butterfly in the top photo above is a Variegated Fritillary and the one below it is of a Variegated Orange Moth.
The Viceroy's orange colour is uniform throughout and this species is sometimes confused with the Monarch. However, the Viceroy has a black band horizontally (or diagionally) across each of its hind wings and the Monarch does not have these black bands.

These last two V's are both moths and have very similar sounding names and are both Tiger Moths but definitely are quite different in their appearance. The white moth above is a Virginia Tiger Moth, while the one below it is that of a Virgin Tiger Moth.
My appreciation and thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for hosting ABC Wednesday.


  1. I tried to take pictures of butterflies, but they will not listen when I tell them to sit still...
    Great shots:)
    Petunia's ABC

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Wow, those are amazing. Love the patterns.

  3. I like your butterflies! You know something: in Dutch the word "butterfly"is "vlinder"

  4. I love all your photos, they are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Beautiful photos of a very intriguing creature. My 4-year-old grandson way playing with a caterpillar on Saturday when I arrived and he promptly told me all about how caterpillars turn into butterflies.

  6. This was great.
    You know I loved this post and the photographs.
    Well done.

    Our Victim is verifible,
    as well as the other V.

    Come Visit,
    Troy and Martha

  7. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Love these and you don't know how much! I spent all weekend doing butterfly and moth photos and never realized what a sanctuary my fields and woods are for them. The white Virginia Tiger Moth is so similar to the Satin Moth I photographed a couple weeks ago. They are all stunning!

  8. This inspired me, maybes for the next round of ABC I should visit my own village!

  9. Beautiful pictures as usual!
    Those Moths are striking. The white one looks like it was dipped in flour..

  10. What great butterfly and moth pictures! It's hard to believe that those last 2 have such similar names when they look so different! I like that fuzzy white one. The second butterfly is very pretty and one I've never seen.

  11. So beautiful. I've taken many butterfly pictures- never moths. The Virgin Tiger is really lovely. I have never seen one before. Thank you.

  12. Hi, I wandered over from Rose's garden blog. Your photos are great. I enjoyed seeing the moths and the blue butterfly from an earlier post.

    Great site.

  13. That's interesting how the Viceroy looks so similar to the Monarch -- both regal names, however...

    I grew up in Pacific Grove, California, which calls itself "Butterfly Town U.S.A."...   Each fall the Monarchs return and cluster by the thousands on the foliage pine trees -- it's quite a sight...

  14. Anonymous8:27 PM

    So lovely! Great camera captures of the butterflies and moths - Yummy colours in the last picture.

  15. Lovely informative post. Very creative and well-shot.

  16. Very beautiful. I love that last one. I've never seen one like that before.

  17. These are incredible shots.

  18. That pink and black moth looks like it is wearing a gorgeous evening gown! How did you get it to land on that bright pink plastic? Lovley photos!

  19. katiesbirds:
    A neighbour brought the Virgin Tiger Moth to me in a plastic cake box, to help him id it. The pink is the cover of the plastic box. It is a rather colourful background isn't it? Thanks for your comments, they are much appreciated.
