Monday, July 07, 2008

Osprey: for Ruby Tuesday

Yes, I do have a 'ruby coloured' subject for this post but while I am getting to it I have changed this picture shown below from a black and white Osprey flying through a blue sky to one of warm, reddish, sepia tones; just to stay within the guidelines of Ruby Tuesday. Osprey are frequently seen over our river and if I cared to take the time to look for one they could easily become a daily sighting. Osprey are seasonal and usually return to our area sometime in early April. I am not sure when they leave but mentioning my sighting of one last fall on October 24 to a seasoned birder, he remarked that that was late for one still being around.
I loved the colour and motion of this photo and it stayed in my mind. Later on in the fall I decided to try and capture this sense of mood and motion and colour on canvas, and below is the result, painted in acrylics. I thought this would be a very colourful 'Ruby Tuesday' entry as the reds are so very intense.
To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click here, or click on the ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site


  1. I love your first 2 pics, but the the painting is awesome! It glows with the drama of motion!

  2. Nice capture of the osprey!
    I also love the deep oranges and reds in your painting.

    You are very talented!

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Well look at how very talented you are. Beautiful photos and painting...

  4. I still haven't seen an Osprey this summer. Yours are shown beautifully. The painting reminds me that Fall isn't all that far away.
    Happy RT.

  5. I've never seen an osprey in person..beautiful photos and painting..too much talent...

  6. Oh my gosh! The photos were wonderful; but that painting is awesome!
    Photographer and painter - wonderful talent!

  7. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The painting is amazing! Vibrant and lively. Happy Ruby Tuesday !!

  8. Great photos. We just visited Grand Falls, NB and some of the surrounding countryside. You have a wealth of nature scenes to choose from.

  9. OH, Ann! What a wonderful painting! You are very talented! I'd love to have that hanging in my house....I assume it hangs somewhere in yours :-) The color in it is fabulous!

  10. mary:
    The painting became a Christmas present for my younger son, but I took a photo of it before it left home :-) Glad you liked it.

  11. I love the way you've altered the first photo... very cool. Your painting is stunning... I love those vibrant colors. You are so talented. Nice moose down below too.

  12. That is awesome! You're so very lucky to live where you do!!! Wow.


  13. I love your painting! the color is stunning.

    and the photo of nature's leaf show is amazing as well.

    just beautiful!

  14. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Good Morning from Mississippi! Hope you have a great week. Keep up the good work here! Those are great!

  15. Wow, great picture but also an even more stunning painting!

  16. What a great composition Ann. Love the colors too. I agree, Mary's prompt idea is terrif!

  17. Interesting looking at that Osprey just loafing along on the thermals with that huge wingspan.

    Loafing, that is, until he spots his dinner in the water.

  18. Great shots. I captured some awesome shots of an Osprey eating ts catch, while perched on a pole in the Keys:

    I watched this specimen for some time.

  19. Anonymous12:08 AM

    What great work - both with the lens and the brush! Beautiful!

  20. Your talent amazes and inspires me!
