Friday, July 18, 2008

Project Black: Take Nine - Hummingbird

No, this isn't my skywatch entry, that's just below, in my previous post, but this could have been Skywatch as that is what I had set it aside for originally. I think this picture serves well though for a Project Black entry. I just liked the simplicity of the photo capture: a little Ruby-throated Hummingbird silhouetted against the big blue sky.
If you would like to know more about Project Black you can check it out at Anna's blog by clicking right HERE. You can also find lots of other interesting Project Black postings there too.


  1. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I am so jealous - what a great shot. You have a really good eye. And you're right, this could have been a Skywatch, even if the bird is the focus.

  2. Thanks, I often see a hummingbird sitting on this wire sticking out from an old telegraph pole. Glad you enjoyed. It is so little!

  3. You caught a hummer sitting and you had your camera! You lucky duck! I have many blurry photo of ruby-throated hummingbirds...good catch..

  4. That is a very neat shot! It looks so tiny in that big blue sky. We tend to zoom in so much to see detail that we lose the perspective of size in our photos. You've taken care of that here very nicely!

  5. What a wonderful unique shot! I'm so far behind here. I left off with Ruby Tuesday on my last visit I think and have missed all sorts of wonderful things. That black bug at #6 is amazing looking. I love the spider shot, the magnolia warbler and the whole page. This hummingbird shot is just remarkable, though.

  6. This is so amazing. I've never been able to get a shot of a hummingbird. And now I never will. I can't even get a shot of a mynah bird.

  7. Another great composition. Sort of like: hi, sky, I'm here!

  8. Wow, nice! I rarely see them at all and when I do, they are in flight. They don't seem to land much, so it's nice to see this one perched.

  9. Very unique! Great Silhouette Shot!
    Cheers, Klaus

  10. How wonderful. I just want to reach out and pet him.
    By the way, thank you for visiting my blog. I love your blog.

  11. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Lovely capture on the arabesque curve, delicate as the bird himself!

  12. Anonymous12:19 PM

    It is a beautiful shot.

  13. Very nice capture..I've yet to get a good shot of the hummingbirds in my garden! And your right this would make a great sky~watch! :)

  14. This is a really different shot. I like it !

  15. I would like to thank you all for your comments. They are very much appreciated. This wire, sticking out from an old obsolete telegraph pole, is a favourite perch for hummingbirds as I often see one there, silhouetted against the sky. This is one of my favourite pictures.

  16. ah master of all it surveys

  17. Fabulous picture of the little hummingbird silhouette against a beautiful blue sky!
