Monday, August 25, 2008

Robin Redbreast: for Ruby Tuesday

And, no, our leaves haven't turned here yet, but I thought this photo from my archives of a Robin, with such a lovely frame of coloured leaves, was a good Ruby Tuesday subject.
To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click HERE, or click on the Ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. Nice shot for Ruby Tuesday. Such a pretty bird too. I've got to say I've in awe of that monarch cocoon over on the right. Wow! I saw my first today on another blog but it must have been a newer cocoon because you can clearly see the butterfly's wings in this one. Wow!

  2. Lovely robin. But what really got me was all those orange and yellow leaves; I guess the weather is really turning where you are! The leaves form beautiful frame for a majestic little bird.

  3. Awe! These birds are so feisty! :)
    Love the colors in this one!
    Cheers, Klaus

  4. Nothing say Ruby Tuesday quite like a robin. There were eight of them in my yard this evening when I got home from work.
    Nicely done.
    Have a great Ruby Tuesday.

  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Great capture for Ruby Tuesday!

  6. It looks like autumn there. That's a beautiful Robin Redbreast!

  7. That birdie looks resplendent set against the serious earth tones on the autumnal leaves!

  8. The blue sky in the background is just as stunning as the red. Great shot.

    My Ruby Tuesday is Ruby Tuesday and Baby Boy Lost

  9. A gorgeous image that makes me long for fall!

  10. Sorry folks for not having mentioned that this was a photo from my archives taken in the fall of another year. We still have green leaves here too except for the occasional one that has already changed.

  11. The leafs and the bird suit each other just perfectly! What a great autumn shot.

  12. wonderful capture!very nice

  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Lovely bird and "red" photo. I'm so looking forward to autumn weather. Yes! ;-)


  14. Such a peaceful scene. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Such a sweet, cute pic!

  16. And you were so right! He's wonderful. I wish we had foliage here. =(

  17. When I saw the red laves, I was worried that fall had already arrived in New Brunswick. PHEW!

  18. This is a wonderful photo. The colors are so vibrant. Beautiful!!

  19. Lovely shot! Robins always seem a bit ignored to me, for the flashy birds that come to our feeders. It inspired me to try my own Ruby Tuesday because it reminded me of some photos I had :-)

  20. I haven't seen robins lately. I guess they are gathering in their flocks and feeding. A sign of fall I guess...

  21. Robins aren't usually what I think of when I consider the word "stately" as it applies to birds. But this one... I think it fits.
    Nicely done!
    - Mojo

  22. mojo:
    I think s/he is pretty classy too.

    I never notice when they seem to disappear but then in late summer, early fall I start to notice they are back again.

    I know what you mean about them seeing to be ignored. I wait and wait in the spring for that exciting glimpse of their red breast, then they become a dime a dozen overnight. They are beautiful birds.

    Glad that you enjoy. There is none other like the Robin, to me they are the bird.

    er tour guide:
    When fall truly comes we will know it; lots of beautiful reds and hues for Ruby Tuesday then!!

    There is nothing more spectacular than the beauty that comes with the changing leaves in fall.

  23. Anonymous4:07 PM

    What a cool shot for the theme! And a great capture, I find bird photography quite difficult

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    What can I say other than the robin is my favourite bird - I just wish I had a few more in my garden!!
