Thursday, September 04, 2008

Canada Geese in the Sky : Sky Watch Friday

looking overhead
I heard the wild geese calling
harbingers of fall
My appreciative thanks to Tom , Sandy, Imax and Klaus for hosting Sky Watch Friday .


  1. Perfect one for sky watch! Birds fill the skies above us and they are always part of our every day lives... Mine's up too hope you can drop dy!

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Is that a sign of autumn in Canada?

  3. ilanadavita:
    Yes; migrating birds and colourful, falling leaves are both strong signs of change here in Canada as the fall season approaches.

  4. Canada Geese! I can hear them honking now. Love to see them against the sky.

  5. Are they moving out? Nice catch.

  6. photo cache:
    Canada Geese migrate further south for the winter months.

  7. What a fantastic shot! Well captured. It is not easy getting birds in flight, but against the sky alone - a great achievement!

  8. What a glorious sight! Our geese haven't migrated yet! They are still here in the Deep South, GA. I've never seen them stay this long. The goslings only started flying a few weeks ago. The parents only just grew their flight feathers back about the same time the goslings flew! Isn't Nature incredible in her timing?

  9. That's a very good photo, which is very appropriate for September. Thanks for the visit!

  10. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Wonderful photo of the geese in the sky. Wonderful sky shot.


  11. Oh I love to hear the geese flying over!! Great shot!!

  12. Those birds in flight are wonderful

  13. Your photo of the wild geese reminds me of a time when we were out searching for a Christmas tree in November and a flock flew overhead honking with that sound of longing. A light snow was falling and I just caught a glimpse of the birds through the tattered gray clouds. It made me want to sprout wings and fly away with them. Everytime I see pictures of geese, I recall this memory. Thanks.

  14. katie:
    Your words, "with that sound of longing", are the words that I knew in my heart but my mind couldn't seem to find them when I was searching for them at the time of this posting. Thanks for reminding me of them.

  15. Beautiful pictures. I have really enjoyed reading your side and viewing your pictures!

  16. Love the patterns the birds form in your photo. Like Escher, almost.

  17. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Migrating geese make me sad, but that doesn't change the quality of your photo or the great fit with your poem.

    I love when the geese fly low enough overhead that I can hear their wings whoosh.

  18. Anonymous9:42 PM

    They seem to be moving earlier in the year this time around. Bad news.

  19. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Oh, very nice, geese.

  20. Lovely photo to celebrate the changing of the seasons and sky watch friday. Thank you for sharing your pretty view of the sky.

  21. The geese are practicing their flight patterns over Ontario too. Autumn is almost officially here.

    Sky Watch Friday. ;-)

  22. Anonymous12:50 AM

    This is a special one for me, I love geese and also seeing loose collections of them. I like the usual V formations too, but to see them more scattered like this always makes me think of writing, or maybe I mean spelling. Sometimes it looks like they're just on the verge of forming words, messages. Kind of cosmic, huh!

  23. Great contribution! Happy SWF

  24. Anonymous1:17 AM

    I can almost hear them, too!

  25. Anonymous1:42 AM

    great catch

  26. Anonymous3:40 AM

    It must be great to see them fly overhead like this. Cool!

  27. Gorgeous shot...
    I wonder where they're going.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  28. beautiful capture and wonderful haiku!

  29. I love watching the geese fly over...great shot!

  30. This is an interesting shot of the geese. Very very nice!

  31. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Wonderful photo of the geese! We have lots of Canada Geese here, but I've never gotten a good shot of them in the sky.

  32. Great shot! Thanks for sharing.

  33. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Unusual formation there... not the stereotypical "v"!

  34. Yes, Autumn is on its way!

  35. I myself migrated to central NY, and must be in the migration route. The honking, formations, fields of resting gaggles, etc. are a wonder to behold. Every new school year I read 'The Trumpet of the Swan' to my class[fictional story by EB White about a migrating family of swans]. They always loved it, and when we heard honking, I think the paid attention differently!!

  36. Ann: Nice capture of the geese on wing in the blue Sky.

  37. Hi Ann, I love coming over to your wonderful blog!!
    just a few minutes ago I saw this same scene... only with an overcast drizzly/foggy sky.. they were a smallish group, maybe 15 Canada Geese, and heading in the northerly direction and flying low.. a few minutes later they seemed to have gotten their bearings and they turned and came back, heading south and flying my higher and heading straight out and down the coastline Bay of Fundy, along the southern shore of New Brunswick.. They were beautiful disappearing into the fog!!!

  38. Great shot! I love seeing the geese flying through the sky - love listening to them too.

  39. Wow, great skywatch capture! I love geese...good job! Did you see Tom's post about geese and the v formation~very informative!
    Great skywatch!
    Happy weekend to you, and happy skywatching!

  40. Oh i can hear them coming over as i look at this beautiful photo

  41. This is a wonderful, magical image. Thanks.

  42. I know what you mean. As soon as we hear geese arriving from Iceland in September/October we know autumn is here.
