Tuesday, September 30, 2008

K is for Kingbird and Kingfisher: ABC Wednesday Round #3

The Eastern Kingbird is distinguished from other Kingbirds by a white tip on the end of its black tail. Kingbirds feed on insects.

The Belted Kingfisher is the second bird shown here with a 'KING' in its name. Kingfishers are fish eating birds and these beautiful creatures plunge into the water head first in search of their prey. I always know when a Kingfisher is around for I am alerted to its presence by its harsh clattering sound.
My appreciation and thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for hosting ABC Wednesday Round 3. To view more ABC Wednesday posts via Mr. Linky please click HERE. For viewing the new format of ABC Wednesday Round 3 where all posts can be seen in the same place, please click HERE


  1. That's a perfect shot of the Kingfisher.My husband and I have been trying to get some pictures of the Kingfisher this year.My success has not been that great.

  2. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You can join Tom on this one. Excellent 'K's.

  3. Great shots, especially the second one where the tip of the kingfisher's wing the water touches. Very beautiful!
    Thank you for your visit.

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    These are great pictures. Nice blog too, love the short poems and the covered bridges.


  5. You always have the most "alive" photographs of the day. Very well done.

    Ruby Tuesday~ Drop Me A Line

  6. I cannot express how magnificent that sceond shot is.

  7. I love the way you captured the Kingfisher and all the information about the birds. Nice post.

  8. I'm learning to appreciate nature via other peoples' blogs..... other peoples' eyes,really. As for the Autumn colours, it makes me realise how much we miss in Evergreen Australia.

  9. Beautiful shot of the kingfisher! I've never heard of a kingbird before. I wonder if we have them around here. (Chicagoland)

  10. Looks like you are ready for the bird count! I am looking forward to see what you see in your yard. I'll "tune in" tomorrow!

  11. Amazing Kingfisher photograph. We have them here in the Everglades ... to a rule they roost every couple rungs of the telephone cables that run along the famed Tamiami Trial between Naples and Miami.

    But there a winter bird down here, if I am not mistaken.

  12. Very nice! I really like the second one, the way the water catched the reflection as it glides over the water.

  13. Very beautiful pictures. Nice post.

  14. Robert V. Sobczak :
    I remember seeing Kingfishers along the highway taking while driving out to the Florida Keys when we visited there several years ago during the month of February. Thanks for the information about the Everglades location.

  15. Lovedly kingfisher pics! I am now getting a better idea of what they are like thanks to you and Tom!

  16. WOW! What amazing pictures. The unfurled wingspan of the kingfisher is awesome.


  17. The second photo of the kingfisher and its reflection in the water is awesome.

    Bear((( )))

  18. Anonymous11:15 AM

    They are both beautiful. Great shots!

  19. We had a pair of Kingfishers last summer. What a racket those two could make. It was so much fun, but I never got a photo like this one.. amazing..

  20. That's the second kingfisher I've seen and I'll say the same thing: how did you get such a good photo?! They're always whizzing by too fast for me!

  21. liz:
    With a lot of luck and holding down the shutter as it was whizzing by.... some things you can't plan, you just hope you've gotten a few good shots. The thing is; be optimistic and keep on trying.

  22. Love the shot of the Belted Kingfisher. Even though it's not technically perfect - but a) just getting the chance to shoot one, and then getting such a great result, even though you weren't prepared is just awesome. The reflection and colors are excellent!
    Cheers, Klaus

  23. Don't now how I missed these! I love that kingfisher shot with the trailing wing tip and reflection. The Kingbird is pretty, too. I've seldom seen either of these birds.

  24. Lovely pictures, Ann. I love the wonderful colours on the kingfisher.
