Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Reflective Chickadee for Camera Critters

This little Black-capped Chickadee seemed to be quite confused at seeing another Chickadee looking at it from its own reflection within the garden spot light . It would peck at it, then fly away, but each time it returned it would see its reflection once again.
The 'Black-capped Chickadee' is my contribution today to Camera Critters. My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. I wonder what birds and animals to feel when they see a reflection?

    A very clever Camera Critter contribution!

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Cute capture! He looks like he just got up - bed head. Speaking of, I used to see a occasional chickadees in winter in High Country with bent tails, and mentioned it to a friend who said that in the cold Alberta winters, chickadees sleep communally in tree hollows, and those with the bent tails would have spent the night on the outer edge of the 'ball of birds' with their tails pressed against the trunk. I don't know if he was pulling my leg with that story, I've never had it verified. I think I have mixed feelings about wanting to know if it isn't true, it's such a sweet explanation.

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    What a beautiful bird. I love the reflection!

  4. How cute is that? That must have been fun to watch it do that. Great shot!

  5. P.S. - Commenting on the hot air balloon photo in the side bar. Love it! I've always wanted to go to a hot air balloon festival. Must be great to see all those colorful baloons filling the sky.

  6. Oh my gosh - this is SO precious! I LOVE that you can see his reflection in the spot light. You captured this perfectly!

  7. deborah:
    I wonder how many Chickadees in a ball would be equal to a three dog night?

  8. Great shot! It's always funny to watch birds pecking to their reflections in windows or other reflecting objects.

  9. good story and loved the colors in this photo!

  10. Great shot! Birds do seem to be attracted to shiny things :)

  11. great capture! cute and very beautiful.

  12. how very cool that picture sandy

  13. He such a cutie and so well captured.

  14. Anonymous9:02 PM

    How cute is that!

  15. I love this shot! Great capture. Your description of the chickadee made me chuckle.

  16. Anonymous10:42 PM

    A delightful picture - the Chickadee does seem to be puzzled over his reflection. Wonderful photo!

  17. Cute little dee..They are so curious and friendly.....

  18. Too cute! It's fun to watch critters look at themselves; can be very entertaining.

  19. This is such a cute photo. I love chickadees.

  20. That is really cute :-) My smile for this morning. I'm glad that unlike glass doors and windows that he can't knock himself out on this. Birds can be so funny sometimes.

  21. What a cute catch. I thought these birds only got upset seeing their reflection during the spring breeding season. Maybe he thinks spring is back. LOL

  22. Oh how cute. It looks like he is saying, "Hi beautiful. What's your name?

  23. Oh how cute!!! Great capture Ann.

  24. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Wow I really love that shot! What a wonderful catch.

  25. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Very nice photo! Thanks for sharing!!

  26. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Chickadees are one of my favorite birds, despite their ordinary colors and being everywhere, because they are just so fun to watch. They always seem to be doing something.
