Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Duck on Reflective Waters: for Watery Wednesday

I thought these photos of the lone duck on the dark waters of the pond fit in well for the theme of Watery Wednesday. My appreciative thanks to 2sweetnsaxy at her Eyes Mind Heart blog for hosting this theme.


  1. This is an unusual but beautiful shot! I love that band of orange with the reflections and the duck sitting in it. Really nice, Ann! I bet you could make a nice header out of that!

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I just love shoreline reflections, this is a wonderful shot! Do you know the work of artist Bev Doolittle? She has one of a shore reflection that looks like an eagle. Talk about fooling the eye!

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I like the composition in this and the color because it's almost like a black and white that's been edited to add color. pretty cool!
    Thanks for participating in Watery Wednesday! :-)

  4. beautiful fall photo......

    Gill in Canada

  5. Autumn splendor with wildlife!
    Love the reflection - it really makes this picture for me.

  6. I always love a photo of a duck and love the colors..Perfect for WW

  7. very pretty and serene.

  8. you got a beautiful shot there. Very serene and calming view. So pretty...

    here is mine
    hope u can visit...

  9. Beautiful shot. That would be a great picture to use to make a painting. Love it.

  10. This is so amazing! The water is such a peaceful mirror.

  11. Gorgeous picture Ann. Reflections always do make for interesting shots. The duck was an added bonus.
    LOVE the header.

  12. Beautiful capture, Ann. The dark silhouetted duck on light foreground on dark background -- all enhanced by the watery reflection -- combine for a striking composition. Best Watery Wednesday post I've seen this week.

    By the way, I love the new Halloweeny header image! Really puts you in the mood.


  13. Love how the colours seem to become misty in the water reflections! Gorgeous shot!
