Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shadows in the November Woods: for Shadow Shot Sunday

Westward wake-up stretch
I cannot find them at noon
Some days they sleep in

There is a special fragility about the shadows in a November woods. Shifting and changing in their positioning and size throughout the day; somedays they are not even there at all!

My appreciative thanks to Tracey, at Hey Harriet, the host of Shadow Shot Sunday for this interesting idea; for more information on this shadow meme,please click on the icon in the side bar.


  1. Those are some very nice shadows. Shadows and water reflections are so interesting for the added element of design the give to a photo. I was photographing ducks and geese the other day and found myself more interested in their reflections then their reality. I think shadows can be the same way. They become a separate image of their own.

  2. Mary:
    Sometimes shadows and reflections play some sort of mind tricks on me and I get them confused momentarily when looking through my photo archives for them, I'll select a photo and think, "that would be nice", then I'll realize its a reflection, not a shadow! I am starting to notice that I don't take enough shadow shots. Shadows really give more room for your imagination to enlarge upon a picture :-)

  3. Hi!

    You and your camera have done an very well job. Very nice shot in november sun.

    Happy Sunday!

    From Irene in Sweden, Gothenburg

  4. I like these - nicely done!

  5. that path is so pretty and inviting.

  6. Love that first shot.The shadows make the picture look mysterious.

  7. Walks through the woods are settling to my soul. Wonderful shadow shots.

  8. What beautiful paths...I'll have to visit your world more often...thanks, great shots!

  9. Beautiful woods and wonderful shadows!

  10. I love your blue jays and I love looking at your forest. There's so much mood and feeling in those shadowed shots. It makes me want to walk through them, to smell the sweet scented air. Thanks for the peace.

  11. Lovely shadows in the woods. Wonderful shots :)

  12. Beautiful, long and graceful shadows! they add a real sense of peace to the forest landscape! Great shots!

  13. These are lovely. Yes, long and graceful! Thanks for the introduction to this meme.

  14. What beautiful shots..Something very peaceful about trees/paths and wood land..Happy SSS..

  15. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I love both these, especially the bluish trees and the kind of fan pattern to the shadows in the second one. If you do start taking more shadow pictures, I will happily enjoy them!!

  16. Anonymous2:31 PM


  17. Nice shots! I love just walking in the woods.

  18. These are works of art! How beautiful shadows can be. And what a perfect time of year to capture the magic of shadows in nature.

  19. Very nice--serene.

  20. I love that you noted the fragility of November shadows. It is what I find most wonderful about them.

    Beautiful shots

  21. Anonymous11:24 PM

    shadows everywhere! love it!


  22. Beautiful shadows.

  23. What beautiful shadows today! We might have to take our "peaceful chair" and put it in your peaceful woods!!

    Love the sky pictures below too...quite lovely!

    Karla & Karrie

  24. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Nice shots! Love the absolute colors of nature and those long tree shadows in the last photo.
