Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Window Birdwatching

We like to view the beauty of nature from inside our home as well as outside, so when the weather grows colder and the summer blooms have left our garden, we begin to spend more time inside and turn our focus upon our many bird feeders which are close to our windows. The closeness to windows and a telescopic lens creates a wonderful opportunity for bird photography and I take many pictures each day. Yesterday I studied this Red-breasted Nuthatch performing its upside down feeding habit as it explored the peanut feeder.
This male Hairy Wood- pecker, another uply-downly feathered acrobatic, was eating in an upside down fashion as it held onto the suet cage enjoying my offering of homemade bird suet of peanut butter and cornmeal.
A few years ago we designed and built a pillar for our garden, decorating it with humming -birds, butterflies and dragonflies seen in our yard. We usually put it away for the winter, but this year we decided to place it on our deck, close to our windows, where it can easily be seen from inside. It has turned out to be a favourite stopping place for Blue Jays and each day I place sunflower seeds on its top.
As the weather changes and the temperatures lower I find one of the best places for birdwatching at this time of year is in my own back yard. And as well as upside down birds there are a few upside down Gray Squirrels to entertain the window viewers as well!


  1. Great close up pictures. I have the same kind of peanut feeder and wonder how the squirrels can get the nuts out. They spend a lot of time trying.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm intrigued by the decorations on your pillar - who did the artwork and what is it - tiles? painting? I figure it has to be something that can stand up to the sun. Anyway, it looks beautiful!

  3. Your garden pillar is vry beautiful. Such a nice idea. When flowers are not yet in bloom, or just past bloom, and when birds happen to be scarce, you still have this lovely thing to look at.

  4. This is a terrific post, Ann! I love that pillar and obviously so does that bluejay :-) Do you mix anything besides peanut butter and cornmeal in your mix? I have to wait for it to get colder to put out anything like that, but in the winter I make a similar mix. I love all the upside down birds! Your squirrel is very cute and seems to be finding a nice snack despite the hardship to get it :-)

  5. deborah and bobbie:
    We are very much adapt and do-it-yourself people. My husband built it from old wood and I did the drawings/paintings attempting to achieve a bit of accuracy on the different dragonfly and butterfly species. I think I used tole paints, with maybe some acrylics from my painting supplies too. It has weathered well with a few coats of clear varathane over it. Glad you both enjoyed it, it is a favourite piece of mine and we will enjoy the pleasure of it over the winter and touch it up in the spring if need be.

  6. Great pictures.I can understand the idea of watching and phtographing from inside in winter.We do the same at our hose,plus the birds don't seem to mind us as much this way.

  7. Watching in comfort is always appealing especially now its getting cold. :)

  8. mike:
    One of my greatest comforts is on those day when the feeders do not need refilling in those early morning hours on days when it is particularly cold. We are still having very tolerable temperatures though and we have had no snow in our area as of yet.

  9. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Thanks for the tip on the Bliss Carman poem, I'm going to add it to my "fall poem collection"!

  10. Very very nice pictures! The Blue Jay is exquisite...I love it.

    Your blog header is very unique too. I'm going to visit you often!

  11. I love the post that you and your husband made. It's quite a focal point in your lovely yard.

    The squirrels have been feasting on hickory nuts this fall so they haven't figured out how to get into the feeders.

    Lovely photos!

  12. oh i love them! wonderful job in capturing these lil fellows so clearly. birds are so colorful and pretty, i never tire of seeing them.

  13. I love your red breasted photo. Very nice. They're so sassy, aren't they?

  14. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I always enjoy your photos. This is a great series. They're fun and I love that post! It's so cute.

  15. Love the red nutty..Haven't had one this year...You make your own suet? So many people do. I should try it..
