Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring Ahead

For Mellow Yellow Monday ...

With up to 35 centimetres (13.78 inches) of snow forecast for our area overnight and into tomorrow, I thought I'd focus on the positive: Spring is coming. Eventually. In the meantime, I figured these colourful tulips were a hopeful reminder of what lies ahead. These photos were taken last year at the Ottawa Tulip Festival.

There really were tulips as far as you could see. Thousands and thousands. Very beautiful.

Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel. Thanks to Mellow Yellow Monday. To see more yellow themed photos from other bloggers, just click on the icon on the sidebar.


  1. So very beautiful! Please keep posting pictures like this. We need spring so badly!

  2. Refreshingly beautiful.

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I have yet to make it to Ottawa for the tulip festival.
    I go there for other reasons though.

  4. I wanna go to a tulip festival! My favorite flower. Those are all so pretty. =)Hope you have a wonderful Monday.

  5. Those are beautiful. That is a lot of snow. I hope they have it wrong and you don't get that much. Helen

  6. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Wow, they are great tulips, wonderful colors, but the yellow ones stand out from all them.

  7. Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous :)

  8. How beautiful!! It must have been overwhelming to see so many tulips in one place!!

  9. It's always perfect to see such beautiful color during these dreary days of winter. Thanks so much for sharing .

  10. How wonderful to get to see all those tulips! Beautiful!

  11. I could only dream to be at a place such as this, Thanks for taking me there in your pictures, beautiful

  12. Anonymous2:13 PM

    How pretty!

  13. Anonymous5:15 PM

    What - more s***!?!? I didn't visit my weather site yet today and now I'm scared to. We may be in the crosshairs, too, here in S. Ontario. Well, thanks for the tulips, they are easy on the eyes!!

  14. Aren't these just the prettiest colors? Beautiful photos Ann, can't wait to be seeing tulips again. Sorry for your impending snowfall :(

  15. I always plant a few tulips every year. The first year is always the best. Thanks for the lovely photos.

  16. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Just beautiful! I've never been to a tulip festival. What a treat this must have been. :-)

  17. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Just beautiful! I've never been to a tulip festival. What a treat this must have been. :-)

  18. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Breathtakingly BEAUTIFULLY glorious photos!!! I'm so happy I didn't miss this one even though I'm late. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and blessings,

  19. Hi there Ann,
    As usual I am running very late on everything this week.

    Oh my these are so very very lovely!! I do so wish I had better luck with tulips...they are so beautiful!

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend!:-)))))

  20. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Riel...These are stunning..sigh.. I am longing for spring...

  21. Oh my gosh - these are outstanding!!! Absolutely gorgeous photos!
