Saturday, March 28, 2009


The Fine Line Between Winter and Spring...

I have been wanting to take a picture of a Robin for weeks, and I finally had my camera with me when I saw this one (in a flock of many) this evening. As you can see, he has found the divide between snowy winter and the grass of spring. I like that he is sitting on the the spring side. I take it as a good sign.
Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel. The Robin was photographed in Quispamsis, New Brunswick, Canada.


  1. Such a nice shot..I'm glad he is sitting on the spring side also! The snow around his head and chest give your picture such a nice composition!

  2. LOL! What a great photo! I vote for that spring side, too. He's a very smart robin!

  3. Yes, that's a terrific one. I'm be on the spring side right about now, too!

  4. The Robins here are struggling right now trying to deal with the 2" of snow we had last night.

  5. We just lost our "Spring Side" but it will be back next week (I hope). Thanks for the images and trip through a part of your life.

  6. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I have seen the robins follow the snow line like this a lot too. Its always a sure sign of spring and quite exciting after a long winter.

  7. very beautiful photo of the robin

  8. Thanks everyone! Well, we got more snow today, so the Spring side is gone again, but hopefully will return soon.

  9. Cool shot and great play on words. It's so true. Glad you finally found a Robin! I can hear many of them singing right now as the sun is going down. Thank goodness for Spring!

  10. Beautiful bird and a beautiful shot. :-)

  11. Wonderful-I've always loved these birds..we don't have any here- thanks for sharing-
