Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gulls for Watery Wednesday

Many of you will recall that my daughter Anne Riel substituted for me as guest blogger while I was off sick during February, March and April. During the past holiday weekend, Victoria Day, Riel and her family vacationed in Bar Harbour, Maine and upon her return she sent me this delightful photo of two Bonaparte Gulls perched upon a rock along the beautiful shoreline there. Thanks for sharing again Riel. I thought this was a great photo for Watery Wednesday. Thanks to Watery Wednesday. The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.


  1. Riel did a good job! That is a perfect photo. They are very handsome birds!

  2. That is indeed a great photo.It is a blessing for you to have a daughter with whom to share the potography and the blog.

  3. I saw these beautiful gulls this spring from a distance. They do not stay here in the summer. Great picture.

  4. Beautiful shot!!

  5. They look so neat kind of hunkered down like that!

  6. Ruh`s Photo Blog; Ruth I definitely docount the sharing and common interests I have with Riel as a blessing.

    Thank you all for your comments. I really like the pose of these two gulls.Ann

  7. Oh, that is a lovely photo. I love Bar Harbor. It's much too long since I've been there, too.

    I like your daughter's name: Riel. It's really a nice name. :-)

  8. Great images as usual. Thanks for sharing your moments in time.

  9. Beautiful Gulls, and I like the mirror image.
    Thanks again to Riel. She did a splendid job while you were gone, and I'm so glad to hear you are back with us again.

  10. I'd like to add my thanks to your daughter for carrying the torch so to speak. This is a wonderful photo she took. I'm also very happy to see you back.

  11. I didn't notice those gulls when I visited Maine a few years ago. They are quite beautiful!
