Monday, June 01, 2009

Old Yellow Cup For Mellow Yellow Monday

This old tin cup belonged to my grandfather. Grampy always worked in the woods during his lifetime since he was a young boy nine years old.
Today I hang it on a tree, as Grampy once did I"m sure, sometimes I put birdseed in it.. Other times I fill it with water thinking maybe a bird will drink from it. It's a nice old cup, now being a bit rusted with age and use.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. I love this reminder of your grandfather:)

  2. Oh, I just love the thought of keeping an ordinary item from a loved one and reusing it for nature.

  3. That is one of the nicest photos and stories I've come across, ever - I'm so glad you posted and shared it!!

  4. That is a special treasure.Thanks for sharing the details about it.

  5. What a wonderful item to have. He is still with you every time you see the cup.

  6. How wonderful to have something like that connected to your grandfather. I like that you can use it now for the birds :-)

  7. A lovely family heirloom put to good use. I think your Grampy would have liked that very much.

  8. What a great way to us the cup. It's pretty cool that you have it to remember for you grandfather by.

  9. Good memories and a great keepsake. Helen
