Saturday, July 18, 2009

Raccoon for Camera Critters

Often I enjoy watching from our sunroom windows but not the day I opened the door and saw this raccoon on my deck! It had broken the plastic latch off our utilily box which I had kept on the deck with bird food in it and the raccoon had opened it and helped it self to the contents. Its behaviour was too bold and greedy for me to find any cuteness in this unwanted visitor. I haven't seen it this close lately ever since my husband ran after it threateningly with the driveway broom in his hand.

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. That is a little to close for comfort,even if they have cute faces.

  2. Aw.... they love bird seed! I think a lot of coons figure we are testing their intelligence by putting locks and latches on things. I have a coon around who is getting quite frustrated that he can't get into my green box. I will have to get some pics.

  3. They can be such a pain, that cuteness seldom occurs to me. I have to take down suet cakes at night that they can reach. Mine only come late at night when I don't see them usually. Very sneaky critters!

  4. They can be so destructive! There are 3 that visit under my feeders nearly every night, so we have to keep everything latched down. I've taken to spraying them with hornet spray. Sometimes it scares them away, and sometimes NOT!

  5. My views of these guys are always of their portly furry behinds ambling off, so it's a treat to see those delicate nimble paws up close. Good photo!
