Monday, August 17, 2009

Golden Golden Glo for Mellow Yellow Monday

Thse beautiful prennial has been with my family for many years now. I dug it up in an abandoned homestead during the 80's and took it home with me. Since then it has survived another move[ transplanting]to my present home. My grandmother always had a beautiful Golden Glo beside her garden gate which we used to swing on much to her annonyance.This yellow beauty which is now very prevalent in my yard fills me with memories.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. That sure is a pretty flower.The memories you have from it I'm sure are priceless.

  2. Beautiful! Flowers that trigger memories are the best kind :-)

  3. These are gorgeous!

    I noticed you link wasn't working on Mister Linky so I just re-added it now. thanks!

  4. Golden flowers grew
    at the old homestead, filling
    the yard with peace, joy.

    My Mellow Yellow
