Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sunset for Skywatch Friday

Yesterday eve I was standing by the kitchen sink taking my evening medications when I looked out the window and saw the sunset hues above the tops of our driveway trees. It was definitely an invitaion from Mother Nature to grab my camera and go out for an early evening stroll. It was just before nine and the street lights were just coming on. I only walked as far as the railroad crossing. It was a beautiful evening for a walk at the end of another hot summer day.

My appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guy for hosting Sky Watch
Friday .


  1. Your link on Mr Linky is not working for me for swf.

    Great sunset.
    Watch out for trains at night.

    Great photo.

    Come visit,
    Troy and Martha

  2. Nor for me - but I know where to find you! Great dramatic sunset, love the first one, it's almost hidden!

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Same here, I typed it in. I don't see purple hardly at all here, that bottom shot is lovely. With the tracks and lights it is a good moody shot.

  4. You could take a train ride into a glorious sunset! Lovely

  5. Beautiful sunset. Helen

  6. Gorgeous color.A lovely way to end the day.

  7. Gorgeous sunset photos. It's nice to meet another Canadian blogger (with a bit of tracking down as the link didn't work at Sky Watch)

  8. Bobbbie, SadlyThere are no passanger trains through our community.

  9. Well I'm glad you grabbed your camera, because this susnet is spectacular!

  10. What marvelous colors Ann. I see you have railroad tracks right down the center of the street too. How lucky can one get IF you are a rail fan like we are.
    Happy SWF.

  11. Fantastic colours there in your photograph, thanks for sharing with everyone in Sky Watch Friday

  12. Beautiful colors!! Your second shot looks like a painting..very nice!!

  13. wow! The colors in that last shot are wonderful. Well worth walking out to see. By nine here the sun is long gone.
