Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Wet feet for Watery Wednesday

This little sandpiper/plover? wasn't the only one getting wet feet as the incoming tide washed over mine too as I was walking along scanning the shore line of this small Bay of Fundy Beach[Maclaren Beach] looking for beach glass. Finding these little birds there was a bonus! below a semi- palamated PloverWe didn't find any beach glass .

The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.


  1. I like this photo--shows the sandpiper in action. I like to find beach glass too when I visit the ocean.

  2. Ohhh, these are great! I haven't been out taking photos in a while so I miss shots like this.

    Wanted to let you know there's an error in your link on Watery Wednesday. You might want to re-enter it. I did a Google search to find you just to let you know.

  3. Beautiful shots of those delicate little birds. You need a good big storm to churn up some beachglass!

  4. What beautiful birds. They look like they are looking for beach gladd, too :-)

  5. These are sweet pictures of the sandpipers. How very cool!
