Monday, September 07, 2009

YellowWarbler in the Tamarack tree for Mellow Yellow Monday

There's something yellow in our Tamarack Tree
What could it be?
Some sort of warbler visiting me.
grab my camera and my bird guide book,
Let's see
what can it be?
I am going to guess that this might be a first year, female, Wilson'''s Warbler using p-454 of David Sibley's[2000] The Sibley Guide to Birds as my reference guide. Any comments on this id would be appreciatedHaving no plans for mellow yellowMonday
This was a perfect surprise sightingfor us from our pantry window this morning while making my first cup of tea for the day.
And this is the second post in a row to feature our Tamarack Trees.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. I wouldn't begin to know how to ID this one, but he is very pretty with that nice yellow and the rusty cap. Those Tamarack trees seem to be a good photo subject.

  2. This is such a dear photo. How can you not fall in love for the time you are taking to appreciate it?

  3. Love those unexpected treats like this.The Warbler is lovely.

  4. this one is a real treat.

  5. How cool and I like your little poem. Hope to see some migrating birds around here.

  6. Beautiful photo!
