Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Streams freezing over for Watery Wednesday

A quick drive over my area this morning looking for winter birds revealed very few birds to me.tho I did see two Pileated Woodpeckers in flight. What I did see was the effects of our colder snowy weather and the influence it was having upon our streams. Many of them were showing signs of freezing over. There is a beauty to the patterns of freezing ice beginning at the banks of streams and then accumulating width inwards towards the middle of the streams as the freezing process progresses.I thought these would be appropriate for Watery Wednesday's theme.
The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.

Above the Merancy Stream

above: The Little Yoho stream


  1. I love to look at the winter photos! Nice job!

  2. And now I am blue with cold! Beautiful! Now where is the wood stove!

  3. Cold but lovely scenes.

  4. Brrrrr - a chilly one!
    I love your tree sparrow above.

  5. Thsnk you all for your comments and your understanding of cold. I am usually cold all winter long and winter is not my favourite season at all![ I love summer heat]At the moment we are in the midst of a winter storm. snow coming down in heaps everywhere!Maybe it will encourage some winter birds to visit my feeders at Bird Alley.I need some action for my camera.

  6. Great photos! It snowed and rained here all day as well, but I chickened out and stayed inside instead of going out and taking pictures. :)

  7. I love the blue look of these! Really pretty.
