Monday, January 18, 2010

a female red crossbill for mellow yellow Monday

I'm not seeing many interesting birds this winter and so I am enjoying looking back to pictures of other winters' birds stored in my photo archives. I don't see Crossbills often but I'm always watching for them during the winter. This photo is of a female of the Red Crossbills species. I sometimes will chance upon these birds feeding along the roadside. For tomorrow I will post photos of the male 'red' Red Crossbills.
For more photos of a yellow theme today please scroll down my page until you come to the mellow yellow badge. By clicking on it you can view contributions of others or perhaps post something yellow of your own. Happy Monday to all!


  1. Beautiful bird! The yellow color on it is so pretty.

  2. Beautiful.It would be easy to mi-identify this bird.

  3. This is a lovely little bird. Nice of her to sit still for your camera.

  4. What a beautiful bird! I enlarged the photo and now I see why they call it a Crossbill!

  5. I just enlarged the photo also. I was wondering if the bill was really crossed. I saw they were. A beautiful bird. Helen

  6. What a delightful yellow bird to share for MYM ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    Small Reflections

  7. Oh, he is so cute, lovely little bird.
    I have choosen something different.
    Have a good day.
    Ulla, Sweden

  8. What a great shot Ann. I've never seen a Crossbill, and maybe they don't frequent our area, although I think the Red Crossbll does during the winter season. We have many Spruce trees with lots of pine cones with lots of seeds for them to eat..

  9. that's beautiful!

    Bunk Bed Bliss for mellow yellow monday!

  10. How pretty...and so aptly named. [Ps...your link at Ruby Tuesday is a dead link, you may want to go re-enter]

    My Ruby Tuesday is HERE. Do come join me if you can find time today.
