Monday, January 25, 2010

How to start the day for mellow Yellow Monday

If only this were today it would be the perfect beginning of the week. This is an older 'yellow photo. Today we are presented with forecast of a stay at home day with a heavy rainfall warning with ice pellets mixed with freezing rain changing to drizzle this afternoon, rain, heavy at times this evening, with a bit of wind and warming temperatures ( that will be welcome.) I am very eager for spring.!!!We shall have to wait and see what Mr. Groundhog has to say about that next Tuesday (Groundhog Day.)
To see more mellow yellow photos please scroll down the right hand side of this psge until you come to the mellow ywllow icon. click on it to add your own 'yellow themed photo or to enjoy what others are sharing today. Happy Mellow Yellow to all.


  1. That is a beautiful start to the day.Stay safe in the not so good weather.We are in a raging blizzard,so I'm not going any where.

  2. A truly beautiful photo!

    I'm in hibernation mode. All morning we've had wild wind and rain. Lawn furniture is blowing all over the place. Glad I didn't put out trash today.

    I'll try to think spring.

  3. Looking much the same here Ann. Spring can't come too soon, but we'll have to wait a little longer:(

  4. Just looking at that picture is a perfect way to start the day (or end it in my case today). I think we can all be forgiven for posting other season's pictures sometimes, esp. at this time of year.

  5. Love, love the new header photo!

  6. I think we are all eager for spring! Nice shot of the sun....really yellow!
