Friday, January 15, 2010

'Jiggl'y' waves for photo hunter

These Bay of Fundy waves were coming in very full and strong looking today, Maybe they could even be said to look a bit "jiggly

And somtimes jiggly things can spill like these waves did as they hit the beach at
Saints Rest Marsh Beach at the Irving Nature Park at Saint John,
The theme for this week's photo hunt meme is 'jiggly " and after downloading these wave pictures that I had taken today I was taken with their 'fragile jiggly' appearing presentation as theywere approaching the beach. They were noisy too!. Oh for a sunny summer's day in July!
. To learn more about photo hunt, just click on the photo hunt icon on the right hand bar on the page. Good luck photo hunting!


  1. Those waves are beautiful. I would love to see them but in warmer weather. Helen

  2. A creative take on this week's challenging theme. :)

  3. whoa... I hope I do not get such waves as I'll be having a beach adventure tomorrow. Nice shots. :)

  4. That is really jiggly..I hope the water is warm enough to plunge in. Happy weekend!

    My jiggly critter

  5. Lovely a nice idea for the theme :-)

  6. Great take for this week! My kids and I spent some time looking at your marvelous photos of the birds. Now we're off to see your daughter's blog.

    Have a great weekend.
    Mrs. Mecomber

  7. I bet those waves were very loud--lovely photos.

  8. Those are some big waves and they make the sand jiggle too. Great take on the theme! This was a tough one but yours was just right.
    Drop by and check mine here.

  9. Wow...those are some big waves! Great shots of them breaking on the shore.
