Tuesday, January 12, 2010

male Pine Grosbeak for Ruby Tuesday

No, I haven't seen this species yet this winter although I look every day. The red berries on our high bush cranberry tree are not plentiful this year. The cranberries are what used to attract the Pine Grodbeasks. This is the species that firstattracted me to bird watching. I saw my first on November 10th. 1997. and at that the time my husband encouraged me to buy my first digital camera at that time. I barely knewwhat a digital camera was. It was from that first encounter with a Pine Grosbeak that started me on my way towards bird photography and my passion towards nature photogrsphy began. I do hope I see some Pine Grosbeaks this year! Don't you think this is a handsome bird ?To view other contributions to Ruby Tuesday and to perhasps contribute your oqn juat click on the Ruby Tuesday badge on the right column. Happy Ruby Tuesday to all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that is a beautiful bird. I have never seen one of those. Helen

  3. It is a beautiful bird and I would love to see it one day. Great photo.

  4. I can see why spotting a bird like this beauty would attract you to birdwatching. I've been seeing red cardinals in my backyard, and every time I see one I get excited.

  5. What a gorgeous bird! I can see why it would spark an interest in photography and digital cameras! I would love to see one of these.

  6. Beautiful bird--not expected that when it's named pine grosbeak. Great photo too.

  7. This is a beautiful bird.Isn't it interesting how the photography bug can bite so quickly?

  8. I'm happy to see you post some Pine Grosbeaks Ann. We don't seem to have this gorgeous bird here.
    Good luck this winter.

  9. It is a beautiful bird. I hope you get to see it this year.

  10. What a lovely bird ... perfect choice for Ruby Tuesday ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    Small Reflections

  11. Oh my! What a beautiful, colorful bird! Fantastic capture!
