Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Valentine Surprise for Ruby Tuesday

This post is about human nature and the training of young children to be giving and caring. One evening last week before Valentines Day four very excited little girls rang our doorbell and gave us a delightful, Valentine's box ful of delicious home baking and fresh fruit. This was a joint effort, part of a Children's ministry from the Pioneer Clubs of two local Baptist Churches. The box was decorated with stickers and Valentine cards. The little girl that had decorated it was with the group of girls and she very proudly accepted praise of her lovely work from my husband.
As you can see above the contents were varied . molasses cookies, banana bread and other sweet breads, biscuits and rolls, and muffins , andheart shaped cookies and some valentine candies
The box was full of baked goods and in the bottom of the box was fresh fruit.!
The little girls were thanked and they received our appreciation gracefully. What a wonderful undertaking for these young kids( pre-teen, elementary school age to be involved in! And how heart warming it was for us being recipients of such a wonderful Valentine gift.
To see other Ruby Tuesday entries please click on the Ruby Tuesday icon on this page.


  1. It melts your heart when you see young ones do something so wonderful!

  2. A wonderful gift. And I'm sure the youngsters were made as happy as they made you

  3. Much praise goes to some very thoughtful leaders.I think this was a wonderful thing for the girls to do,and of course you were the ones enriched by receiving it.The blessing went both ways.

  4. Thanks for a heart-warming post. That was a great project for these girls to be a part of. Clearly they were as happy as you.

  5. That is the right age for us adults to train the young ones on how to be giving and all. Kudos to them!!

    RRT: Fuji

  6. This must have been a very special time for these little folks. They seemed to have put so much time and effort into this project. So nice of them to choose you and your husband. Too bad more young children can't learn this kind of giving.

  7. What a wonderful gift and how sweet of these kids to do this. Someone is training them well :-)

  8. What a great project those girls are doing. Looks pretty and I bet the goodies tasted good. Helen

  9. How sweet :) Happy Ruby Tuesday
