Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hooded Mergansers refound for Outdoor Wednesday

This is probably the first pair of Hooded Mergansers I had seen this spring a few weeks ago. I hadn't seen them since until today. Thry were standing on the edge of ice beside an open pool of water right beside the road.
The male Hooded Merganseris a striking handsome duck I think.

Outdoor Wednesday is a delightful meme where you can enjoy almost any aspect of outdoors. This meme offers a wide choice of topic. To view contributions of others or to post your own contribution, please click on the Outdoor Wednesday pic on the right sidebar on this page and enjoy. A Happy Wednesday wish to al


  1. Lovely birds - don't think I have ever seen them in the wild!

    Carolina Mts

  2. I wonder why in nature the males are always so darn good looking?? Doesn't seem fair! Hope you are having a great Outdoor Wednesday and Happy Easter to you!! Sherri : )

  3. I really like that first shot! What a wonderful pair and your photos are always so good for seeing details.

  4. This are pretty pictures. Happy SS!

    Mine is here

  5. Lovely shots. I like the birds. Look like they enjoyed your camera ;)

  6. These are very cute ducks, I haven't seen them in New Zealand.

    Happy Easter
